subjectId Discipline Name Subject Name Coordinators Type Institute Content
102107058 Department of Biotechnology NOC:Biomedical nanotechnology engines Dr. P.Gopinath Video IIT Roorkee
102101058 Department of Biotechnology NOC:Introduction to mechanobiology Dr. Shamik Sen Video IIT Bombay
102104058 Department of Biotechnology NOC: Animal Physiology Dr. Mainak Das Video IIT Kanpur
102104059 Department of Biotechnology NOC:Cell Culture Technologies Dr. Mainak Das Video IIT Kanpur
102104060 Department of Biotechnology NOC:Forest Biometry Dr. Ankur Awadhiya & Dr. Mainak Das Video IIT Kanpur
102105058 Department of Biotechnology NOC:Industrial Biotechnology Dr. Debabrata Das Video IIT Kharagpur